Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Eleven. I have nothing clever to rhyme this with.

What an interesting day.

I went mountain biking at Mills Loop today, and sure enough, wore myself out. The fact that I went in the first place isn't what's interesting; what's interesting is that fact that there was a guy there that was flying around the loop, as though this was competition. I was in awe the entire time, because just like everyone else, I secretly wished that I was someone else (that guy) for a moment. As I continue with the story, you'll understand why I no longer wish to be that guy.

I was trudging up this hillside (which in all actuality feel more like riding up a cliff) when I heard this guy coming around. He was yelling, "On the left," which is just plain safe. I therefore was expecting him to fly past me, which he did. What I wasn't expecting was the huge CRUNCH after the pass. I got off my bike and ran back to see what was going on. The poor guy apparently miscalculated the turn and wound up on some rocks. Not just any old rocks, because when it rains, it pours. No, these were the kind of rocks that nature sharpened for special occasions like this. He sat screaming in his puddle of blood, and I rushed over to help him. I asked some guy (we'll call him Joe) to call 911 so that we could get the guy out of there, but the moron just kept staring. I asked again; alas, I realized that Joe was wearing his "I'm stupid" sign. The whole time this was going on, the guy that fell was still bleeding, and no one else bothered to offer to help or call. Luckily for us, there was a maintenance guy going around that was able to call for help.

What's the moral of the story? Never help anyone, just pray that a maintenance worker will magically appear.

Other than that, Operation: Get a New Mattress is still underway. Yeah, it seems like we'll never get a great night's sleep now, knowing that in a week or less we'll have the best sleep ever. We'll have to see what happens.

I'm going to start posting more pictures, by the way. I really need to make these things more interesting. I hope you all have a great night/day, and thanks for reading!


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