Hey people!
So today was alright. There were a lot of ups and downs. ...because we went in an elevator. HA! Okay, that was a bad joke. Which reminds me: I'm going to start including a joke every now and then. ...for a little variety. Hopefully you don't get the "there's two minutes of my life I'll never get back" feeling after you read it.
So today. Yeah, Ethan was being a pest, but that's normal for a kid his age that's on the tail end of a cold. On a serious note, I always wonder if my kids even like me. There has not been one point where they want to come to me lately. It's always "Mommy!" Never me. I guess I need to stop being the bad guy; stop giving them time-outs. Just today was a prime example of how they'd rather be with someone else instead of me. I was wrestling with Ethan, my old man walked by the room, just passing, and Ethan stopped wrestling, ran to him, and cried when I got near him. I don't know. I'll figure it out sometime soon.
I know that I usually have a story of something funny that happened during the day, but unfortunately I don't today. It was just full of bad drivers. I am pretty upset that Anchor Blue is closing down, though. That's the only place that has jeans that fit me well. I don't like the Kohl's crap jeans that cost 2-3x more than Anchor Blue, and there's never enough room in the legs. Oh well. That's another story.
So in the short period of time that I wrote this, I decided to not do jokes. I figure that most people don't want to read them anyway, generally because they're too long. However, since I told you that I would, I'm going to do a short one just this once. Here goes.
Why do oysters never donate to charities?
Because they're shellfish.
Good night, folks. Thanks for reading.
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