Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day One of Blogging

So, I decided to take the next step in world wide webbing by creating a blog. You know what they say, "The less you keep up with technology, the more likely you'll die earlier." Seriously. I think keeping up with technology is a mere pittance for a longer lifetime.

Yesterday was a pretty awesome day. After a reluctant rise to go to school, still sore from working out the day before, I got dressed and left for the in-laws' house, since my backpack was there. On my way down, I was happily screaming out some Parkway Drive, when out of nowhere, I hear a voice. "WHAT is WRONG with you?!" I looked to my right and saw this lady that looked like she had just rolled out from underneath a rock that had been repeatedly hitting her face for an hour or so. I turned down my music and said, "Excuse me?" She angrily said, "My son doesn't need to hear your crappy music!" I was extremely turned off by this, and retaliated with, "Here's an idea: roll up your window, moron!"

So here's the best part: She rolled it up and began to drive away. As she did, I saw her daughter (or son's friend or something) in the backseat giving me the "too much metal for one hand" sign. She was wearing a Dimmu Borgir (the most Satanic metal band ever) t-shirt. I politely laughed and waved, and went on with my day. Apparently the "mom of the year" needs to focus on BOTH kids.

Anyway, another reason I'm blogging is to track my weight loss. I guess it's more successful when it's tracked, so here goes. =oP

I hope all of you have a great day, and thanks for reading my random garb!



  1. Thanks for sharing. Maybe this will motivate me a little more!

  2. I can't believe some people. Good luck with working out. I don't know where you work out but if you need some one to work out with Josh works out at 24 hr fitness.
