Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Eight. Can't wait!


No, I didn't laugh because something absolutely hilarious happened to me today. I laughed because there is NO way that I will ever get one of these blogs up by midnight. No matter how hard I try, I know that there is way too much to do before I can even hop on the net.

Anyway, today, I had to go back into the wicked Walgreens. ...and WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT, the same employees were there. Oh yes, the same ones that had to pick up my daughter's mess. As I walked in, I'm pretty sure that I saw a few double-takes, followed by stares. The back of my head caught fire when people realized that yes, I was the one in there yesterday. I made my way to the pharmacy again, and sure enough, the same assistant was there. I think they just live there. She asked if I had my kids ID#s, and I told her that I didn't because our insurance company said that Walgreens could look it up by MY number. Of course, the assistant didn't believe that I called, because they would normally give the ID#s right away, so she called the insurance company. After a brief conversation, the assistant hung up. I politely asked her if she got the ID#s. She looked puzzled/embarassed, and said that she didn't. My look of query quickly turned into a smirk. I love being right.


I hope all of you had a great day today, and I hope tomorrow will be even better. "Take care of yourselves. ...and each other." -Jerry Springer


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